Properties _WS _WS : WebSocketPolyfillType
Defined in ../client/dist/main.d.ts:57 _awareness Update Handler _awareness Update Handler : Function
Defined in ../client/dist/main.d.ts:72 _bc Subscriber _bc Subscriber : Function
Defined in ../client/dist/main.d.ts:70 _check Interval _check Interval : number | Timer
Defined in ../client/dist/main.d.ts:74 _observers _observers : Map < string , any >
_resync Interval _resync Interval : number | Timer
Defined in ../client/dist/main.d.ts:69 _synced _synced : boolean
Defined in ../client/dist/main.d.ts:65 _unload Handler _unload Handler : Function
Defined in ../client/dist/main.d.ts:73 _update Handler _update Handler : ( ( arg0 , arg1 , arg2 , arg3 ) => void )
Type declaration ( arg0 , arg1 , arg2 , arg3 ) : void Parameters arg0 : Uint8Array arg1 : any arg2 : Doc arg3 : Transaction Returns void Defined in ../client/dist/main.d.ts:71 awareness awareness : Awareness
Defined in ../client/dist/main.d.ts:58 bc Channel bc Channel : string
Defined in ../client/dist/main.d.ts:53 bcconnected bcconnected : boolean
Defined in ../client/dist/main.d.ts:61 disable Bc disable Bc : boolean
Defined in ../client/dist/main.d.ts:62 doc doc : Doc
Defined in ../client/dist/main.d.ts:56 max Backoff Time max Backoff Time : number
Defined in ../client/dist/main.d.ts:52 message Handlers message Handlers : HandlerFunction []
Defined in ../client/dist/main.d.ts:64 on Failure Handlers on Failure Handlers : ( ( ) => void ) []
Defined in ../client/dist/main.d.ts:51 roomname roomname : string
Defined in ../client/dist/main.d.ts:55 should Connect should Connect : boolean
Defined in ../client/dist/main.d.ts:68 url url : string
Defined in ../client/dist/main.d.ts:54 ws ws : null | WebSocket
Defined in ../client/dist/main.d.ts:66 ws Last Message Received ws Last Message Received : number
Defined in ../client/dist/main.d.ts:67 ws Unsuccessful Reconnects ws Unsuccessful Reconnects : number
Defined in ../client/dist/main.d.ts:63 wsconnected wsconnected : boolean
Defined in ../client/dist/main.d.ts:59 wsconnecting wsconnecting : boolean
Defined in ../client/dist/main.d.ts:60
Websocket Provider for Yjs. Creates a websocket connection to sync the shared document. The document name is attached to the provided url. I.e. the following example creates a websocket connection to http://localhost:1234/my-document-name