Type alias YSweetProviderParams

YSweetProviderParams: {
    WebSocketPolyfill?: WebSocketPolyfillType;
    awareness?: awarenessProtocol.Awareness;
    connect?: boolean;
    initialClientToken?: ClientToken;
    offlineSupport?: boolean;

Type declaration

  • Optional WebSocketPolyfill?: WebSocketPolyfillType

    WebSocket constructor to use (defaults to WebSocket)

  • Optional awareness?: awarenessProtocol.Awareness

    Awareness protocol instance

  • Optional connect?: boolean

    Whether to connect to the websocket on creation (otherwise use connect())

  • Optional initialClientToken?: ClientToken

    An initial client token to use (skips the first auth request if provided.)

  • Optional offlineSupport?: boolean

    If set, document state is stored locally for offline use and faster re-opens. Defaults to false; set to true to enable.